Ending in a movie created by the students


This curriculum was created for Jr. High and Sr. High students at Sunnyvale Presbyterian Church. Focusing on the question: What would the book of mark look like if there was social media back in the day? We embraced the immediacy language in the book of Mark. The students were walked through Jesus' story as though they are following a new revolution on social media. The students then create a movie about what they have learned. The culmination of the series is a huge movie red carpet night for the reveal of the movie they created. 

Week 1- We hear about Jesus. Selections from Mark 11 and Mark 1-2 (Mark 12:28-34 greatest commandment) – Jesus’ Friends and Enemies. A movement has started- A man named Jesus is telling it like it is and the enemies are scared of him.

Week 2:  The Strange Stories of Jesus - Jesus told stories to teach   Selections from Mark chapters 12, 13 and 3,4. The things Jesus taught and the way he taught 

Week 3:  Jesus, friend to the powerless, is Sold Out and Arrested to the powerful Mark 14.  Back Story Selections from chapters 5,6. Healing, feeding, and power in a world of hunger, suffering and evil.  

Week 4:  Passion Jesus killed and resurrected.  Selections from mark chapters 15, 16 and Mark 8, 9 (or 7). Reports of his Death filled in with how he foretold his death and also who is Jesus. Is this how the Messiah will be. Prayer Stations.

Week 5: Movie from the students.  



I created each station to allow the students to walk the road that Jesus walked.  At each station the students engage the station and then pick up a large washer to represent the weight of sin that fell upon Jesus as he made his way to the cross. Below you will find the scripture and the station descriptions. 

Photo by Cassie Carroll

Photo by Cassie Carroll

Jesus is Arrested: Mark 14:43-52 

With a kiss Jesus was betrayed & arrested. Every day we choose the world vs. choosing Christ & therefore we betray Him. Take a kiss & place it on the cross as a representation of how we betray Jesus every day, while we remember that Jesus died for us anyway. What ways have you betrayed Jesus this week? You may write it on the back of your kiss if you like before you place it on the cross. Add a weight to your wire.

Jesus before Pilate: Mark 15:1-15

We are a part of the crowd that sends Christ to his death. Throw paint on to this canvas as an expression of the yelling of “Crucify Him!” and chaos that was happening on that day. Add a weight to your wire.

The Soldiers Mock Jesus: Mark 15:16-20

Jesus took your place on the cross for all the sins that you have committed and all the sins you will commit. On a piece of fabric write sin that Jesus took for you instead. Tie that piece of red fabric to this crown of thorns as a representation of the blood that Christ spilled on that day. Add a weight to your wire.

The Crucifixion: Mark 15:21-32

We were the reason that Christ was nailed to the cross. His death took on all our sin and allows us to have a relationship with God that is not blocked by anything. Hammer a nail into the cross, as it was for us that He was nailed to cross. Add a weight to your wire.

The Death of Jesus: Mark 15:33-41 

Take a moment to think about what has just happened? What word or phrase sticks out to you? Write that word on a piece of paper and pin it to the curtain in front of you. Then as you walk to through the curtain remember we are in the fulfillment of the prophecy and this is a sign of the new promise to be connected with God. Add a weight to your wire.

The Burial of Jesus: Mark 15:42-47

When Christ died for many the hope of a new covenant with God was lost. Many denied Christ, ran and hid, while others stood by His grave to honor the life He lived. Place a rock to the tomb door as a symbol of the finality of Christ’s death. Add a weight to your wire.

The Resurrection: Mark 16:1-8 

CHRIST IS A LIVE! Feel the sin of mankind eradicated from the world! DROP YOUR WEIGHT! Drop your sin at the foot of the foot of the cross.

Photo by Cassie Carroll

Photo by Cassie Carroll

Photo by Cassie Carroll

Photo by Cassie Carroll

The High School Video

The Junior High Video